Acid and Teeth erosion


Oakville Dental

Acid and Teeth erosion

Tooth structure

Our tooth enamel is primarily made up from calcium and hydroxyapatite. Even though enamel is the hardest substance in our bodies, it still can become damaged. Acids found in pop and juice erode enamel. Acid erosion occurs mostly to people ages five to seventeen- but anyone can be affected. Acid erosion simply can’t be reversed. But, it can be prevented!


The pH levels in Drinks

The pH scale is what measures the degree of acidity. A neutral substance measures at 7. Increasing acidity is shown by decreasing numbers- while increasing the numbers represents the level of alkalinity. Tooth enamel erosion can be caused by liquids with an acidity pH level that is below 5.0 to 5.7. Carbonated drinks sometimes have other aggressive acids in them as well, like citric or phosphoric acid.

Teeth with acid erosion

We have included a chart of common drinks according to its acidity. Please note that pure water’s pH is 7.

acid and teeth erosion

The effect of acid erosion on teeth

How long an acid is in contact with teeth has an impact on the potential damage to occur. Kids especially should never be given a bottle or a cup of juice to sip on for extended periods of time, as acids damage primary teeth even quicker than adult teeth. Although juice is healthy, it should not be in contact with you teeth for stretches of time. Juices are even more acidic than soft drinks are. Soft drinks are known to be just as bad for your teeth as acidic juices because of their combination of acidity, carbonation, and sugar. Non-diet soft drinks are worse for your teeth than diet ones. After an experiment of leaving a tooth submerged for 48 hours in non-diet pop, 5% of its mass was lost.

How to prevent teeth erosion from acidic drinks

How to avoid letting this stuff sit on your teeth? Try keeping a travel toothbrush on hand, or in the case of desperation- swish a homemade saltwater mouthrinse for one minute! Also talk to your dentist about any symptoms you experience.

Bronte Rd Family Dental is a local Oakville dental office . Our office offer wide range of services with focus on prevention and conservation. Call us at (905) 465-0026 for more details.

Bronte Road Family Dental

Bronte Road Family Dental
2544 Speers Road, Unit 7, Oakville
(905) 827-4434

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