Most common sources of sugar kids consume


Oakville Dental

Most common sources of sugar kids consume

Are our kids having too much sugar? Even in the snacks we think are healthy?  Statistics released by public health  show increasing rates in tooth decay in younger children. As good as it tastes unfortunately sugar does have unfavorable effects on our health, especially teeth.


Studies show children and teens today have more than 40% of the recommended sugar intake in their daily diets. Keeping the health of our children’s teeth is crucial starting from an early age. What do all kids have in common? They all love juice and soda! The labels on fruit juice boxes can be deceiving because even natural sugar can be negative in large amounts. Juice and soda have the same effect on your teeth, so thinking the substitute is healthier for your children may not be the best choice. Juice boxes should not be a replacement for fruit servings, using real fruit is a much healthier option considering they also contain great vitamins and fibre. After introducing juice to children it is difficult to introduce less sweet and tasty options, however diluting the juice with water is a must if given to children regularly.

Another problem with juice is how we serve it to our children, in their special sippy cups or a bottle. This method of drinking pushes the juice against all their teeth before they swallow, also some kids hold these bottles in their mouth for extended periods of time while drinking.

All these bad habits can result in softening the enamel of their teeth. In some cases, kids develop decay (dental cavities) which could be very bad to their teeth.

Changing the habits

Always care for your kids teeth. If they are baby (primary) teeth then special attention is required because enamel is thinner compared to adult teeth.

Developing new patterns for children as they grow is also important, making a transition to using a normal cup is the best option for tooth health. Starting to make changes as early on in your child’s routine will help and make it an easier process. Visiting your dentist for regular check ups is also important to prevent dental cavities and keep track if any do appear.

Bronte Road Family Dental

Bronte Road Family Dental
2544 Speers Road, Unit 7, Oakville
(905) 827-4434

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